It seems like anything that is uncomfortable has a positive effect on the body, while the things that bring us the most comfort are unhealthy. This is not...
Author - Saguren Redyrs
Saguren is a personal trainer from South Africa and the editor of the health and fitness website SA Spotters. He has written extensively on how living a balanced lifestyle contributes to disease prevention, the benefits of exercise, nutrition, and how to incorporate health into everyday life.
I started doing jumping jacks first thing in the morning to help me wake up at the right time. Certain exercises did indeed help me to correct my sleeping...
Hold your breath for long enough and you will realize that your body needs oxygen every second of every day to stay alive. Every living cell and every organ in...
A joint injury is horrible. You have finally gotten into the swing of things at the gym and you are happy with the positive changes that you see on your body...
Most muscle recovery happens during sleep. During the various stages of sleep, your body releases hormones that increase muscle mass. These hormones include...
Learning how to increase your max bench press will not only increase the amount of weight that you can bench. Using these techniques will also boost muscle...
Many people who work out regularly are not sure about whether they should warm-up before exercising. If you are trying to build muscle or bulk up, you might...
Perhaps you’ve spent hours in the gym trying to build muscle. Perhaps you’ve spent hours trying to increase your fitness level. Either way...
Are steam rooms good for muscle growth? Using the steam room at the gym at the wrong time can slow the muscle’s recovery process. Many of us spend a lot...