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How to Deal with Menopause? Perimenopause and Pre-Menopause

lady doctor consult a women for menopause

What is Menopause?

Once they reach a certain age, all women experience menopause. Menopause is a stage in which you cease having a period for at least a year. During this time, your body will go through other changes as well.

Common side effects of menopause include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, and weight gain. Menopause can also cause ahormonal imbalance in women.

If you’re going through menopause, or you’re gearing up for menopause to begin, there are several ways you can ease the process for yourself.

When Does Menopause Happen?

Unfortunately, there’s no specific age at which you are guaranteed to begin menopause. Much like puberty, women begin going through menopause at different ages.

On average, women start menopause around 51 years old. However, some women begin the process sooner and others later than that.

There may be some variables that play into when your menopause begins too. Generally, it’s thought that the age at which menopause begins is determined primarily through genetics. However, things like smoking may make your ovaries decline faster, which means you enter into menopause sooner.

Perimenopause VS Pre-Menopause, and How to Deal with It?

Many people use the terms perimenopause and premenopause interchangeably. However, they are different things.

Premenopause refers to the time in your life when you are not experiencing any symptoms of menopause or perimenopause. You are having your period as normal, and you are still in your reproductive years.

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Once you hit perimenopause, however, things start to change. Perimenopause is the stage immediately before you enter menopause. During this time, you’ll experience some changes to your body, including drops in estrogen levels, mood swings, and trouble sleeping – these are signs of a hormonal imbalance in women. You’ll still be getting your period, but symptoms of menopause may be beginning.

Once you lose your period for at least 12 months, you have officially entered menopause.

What Are the Hormonal Changes During Menopause?

Menopause occurs because our ovaries cease producing certain levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. These are the hormones that control and regulate menstruation during your reproductive years.

When you begin to experience menopause, it’s because your ovaries have stopped as much of these hormones, and have ceased releasing eggs into the fallopian tubes. This is what leads to your periods stopping. In turn, the change in your hormone levels can cause symptoms like hot flashes, sleeplessness, and mood swings.

Less estrogen can alsomake you more proneto issues with your bone health. Your bones may lose their density, which leads to problems like osteoporosis.

Staying Healthy During Menopause

Menopause is an inevitable fact of life for healthy women. Your body will change regardless of whether you want it to or not. The good news is that there are ways that you can stay healthy during this time, which will make menopause, perimenopause, and the years post-menopause much more bearable.

One of the best ways to manage symptoms of menopause is to eat healthily. Coming up with ahealthy diet planwill make sure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and active.

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If you’re not yet in menopause, then a healthy diet plan may be able to delay the age at which menopause starts. Several programs offer methods, which may help you organize your diet regimen.

To help support your health, even more, consider taking a health supplement. There are many top-rated menopause supplements available on the market that are designed to help you stay happy and healthy during this major life change.

You may want to check out a supplement likeMenoquilto help you manage your symptoms. It is made with all-natural ingredients scientifically proven to ease the distressing manifestations of this stage.

If you’re finding your symptoms unbearable, then speaking to your doctor about hormone replacement therapy may be helpful.

You can combine your healthy diet, supplements, and other methods of managing your hormonal changes with things like exercise. Exercising regularly can help boost your mood and help you feel healthier overall. Exercise may not be able to eliminate your hot flashes or vaginal dryness, but it can help in a myriad of other ways. You’ll be preventing excessive weight gain from occurring, keeping your bones strong and preventing bone diseases from affecting you, and tiring your body so that you have an easier time falling asleep.

If you’re going through menopause or about to go through menopause, it might be worth speaking to your doctor about the most effective management tips that are right for you.


All women will experience menopause. The process of menopause can be very challenging to go through. Sleepless nights, hot flashes, mood swings, and being prone to health problems like osteoporosis and cancer can be extremely frustrating to experience.

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The best way to manage these symptoms is to first gain a good understanding of why menopause happens. Then, coming up with management techniques to support your overall health like a good diet, regular exercise, and tryingtop-rated menopause supplements.

Menoquilmay help you stay happy and healthy even during this transitional part of your life. It’s a supplement made to soothe your symptoms. Also, if you need help from a gynecologist, paying a visit could be a great idea.

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Vishal Kumar

I am a Founder of We Are Fitness Freak, at wearefitnessfreak.com I'm sharing content about Health & Fitness, Workout, Nutrition, Bodybuilding, and How to Guide and Tips.



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